Dighton house

Dighton house

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Making my Promise!

On June 12, 2016 I made my promises as a Lay Associate.  It was an exciting day after discernment and years of learning more about St Dominic and Blessed Marie Poussepin the day had arrived to make my promise to live out the spirituality and charism of the congregation in my life.  As the Sisters prayed for us during the ceremony I felt the flood of graces pouring over us.  I am truly blessed to be a part of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation.  I have come to know many of the Sisters well and hold them all close to my heart and am grateful to have them in my life.
During my formation over the past few years my prayer life has increased, my desire to know more about our faith and God has grown and continues to grow.  As a Lay Associate I pray that I can imitate Blessed Marie in her faith, hope and charity in my daily life.  Her courage and trust in the Lord is truly inspiring and I pray daily for these virtues.  As St. Dominic sought to learn more about God through every aspect of life I am drawn to do the same.  To see God in all, to grow in love for Him, and to be able to share this love and knowledge with others in all I do and say is my desire in life.
This day was also special because I was able to share this experience with my mother, who made her promises as well.  As I think back to a few years when I first read the flyer and asked my mother to join with me, I realize just how much we have gained from this experience together.  I look forward to the years ahead as this is truly a new beginning.
I thank Sr.Vimala for the permission to become a Lay Associate and all those who have prayed for me.  I especially thank our Blessed Mother for being by my side each day, praying and interceding for me, and for all the graces she pours out on me, especially on this wonderful day.  I know that the prayers of the Sisters, the Associates and all those who have gone before us will guide each step I take.
                                                                                                           Kim Lima

Thursday, March 31, 2016



The community in Guaimaca has had an extension in Tegucigalpa for the past two years. During this time we have been in a couple of rented houses.  Now, thanks to the effort of the Vice Province, we have our own house in La Casitas, where some of us have been ministering during these years. We have two novices, Andrea López from Guaimaca, and Sindi Bardales from Las Casitas who made their postulancy in a small rented house.
The new house was blessed on March 12, 2016 by Fr. Ricardo Alvarado, the priest in Las Casitas and Fr. Mark Cregan, a friend and benefactor of the Vice Province and of the mission in Honduras.  Ten sisters of the Vice Province participated in the first Eucharist celebrated there: Sr. Vimala Vadakupadan, our Vice Provincial, Sr. Marie William Lapointe, treasurer of the Vice Province, Sr. Lorna Riordan and Sr. Marina Carrascal, and the six members of the community present in Honduras.      
 This new step in the life of the Vice Province and of our mission of Honduras, is for all of us a moment of great hope and trust in future Honduran vocations, for the Charism of Marie Poussepin to grow in Honduras.


We have been offering healthcare to the poor of Guaimaca and its villages since 2001, when Sr. María Ceballos arrived to Honduras almost 15 years ago. During these years it was done at the parish facilities.  Now we have a place where we can better serve the poor. This has been made possible thanks to the generosity of many benefactors, who financially and through their volunteered work have made it possible to have a new place.

We are in this new place since the beginning of February, offering primary healthcare and alternative medicine, including bio magnetism.


On March 11, 2016 we had the blessing of this new dispensary by Father Daniel Zúñiga, the pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish and Fr. Mark Cregan a friend and benefactor of our mission in Honduras, and of our Vice Province.  Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan and other sisters from the Vice Province came to be with us for this occasion.

Monday, March 28, 2016


My experience in Honduras

My first journey out of the United States was to our Missions in Honduras in Guaimaca and Tegucigalpa.  No pictures or conferences could prepare me for what I experienced there.  
We went to visit some families while I was there. The poverty that I witnessed was not like any I had experienced before; no electricity, no running water, mud or dirt for floors, and the list goes on. If I had only looked at what was not there, however, I would have missed the love that these families had for one another, it did not matter whether there were three members or nine members of the family, it was the love and care they had for each other that I will always hold in my heart. The pride they had for their children was very evident as I read many of their accomplishments that were hung on the walls; their first communions, their graduations, and many others.

For two days I helped in our new Dispensary with Sister Maria.  I was humbled by the simplicity, kindness and trust shown to us by our clients.  It truly is for those who have no access to health care because of monetary problems.  Some can pay a small token; others do not even have that, while still others brought homemade cheese, tortillas, etc.  Everyone is treated equally according to their need.
Faith abounds in the people of Honduras.  The churches are almost filled even at a weekday Mass.  Their praise and worship are full of joy and hope.  It is so evident that they put their whole heart, soul and love into each celebration.
All of this I also felt in our school and dispensary in Guaimaca and in our house of formation in Tegucigalpa.  Our Sisters minister to the people of Honduras daily and their presence is very much appreciated by all whose lives are touched by their lives each day.
There is no question for me now what the difference between need and wants.  I want many things at times, but need very few because my inherent needs of food, clothing and shelter are always met.

Living this experience has changed my ideas and views of my everyday life and has increased my Thanksgiving to God for what I do have.  I will always treasure this experience and thank God and my Congregation for allowing me to go on this journey to Honduras.
Sister Lorna Riordan

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

March for Life in Washington D.C - 2016

March for Life has inspired thousands of people to stand up and speak for those who cannot speak for their own rights. "The unborn children"

Despite the blizzard storm that was expected to start on friday afternoon in Washington, D.C, young adults, High School and college students around the Union Station along with priests, sisters and lay people came once again to march for Life.

Our Community was present as in the past years in solidarity with those who celebrate life and march until every human life is protected from conception until natural death.